
The Most Significant Obstacles Faced by Child Labor

Children who are subjected to child labor are more vulnerable than adults and other children. Due to this, they qualify as a child who has experienced trauma. Consideration of child labor victims as traumatized children compels us to search for the difficulties and wounds they (these young breadwinners) are experiencing. We can classify the most significant obstacles […]

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)

Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Non-governmental organizations are groups individuals form without affiliation to the government or any other government institution. Non-profit status is one of the primary characteristics of these organizations, which are formed for humanitarian, environmental, educational, and emergency aid purposes. A non-governmental organization is the exact translation of an NGO. A common misconception is that […]

Basic necessities for child labor victims

Children are important family members at any age. Still, they qualify as society members by providing a glimpse of what could be accomplished by nurturing their admirable behavior’s early and spontaneous development. Therefore, caring for children is vital for the future well-being of any society. Children must feel secure and have their basic needs met, […]

International Youth Day 2023

Theme: Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World International Youth Day on August 12 focuses on the difficulties that some young people are experiencing throughout the world. In Sobh-e Rouyesh school we believe we are here to teach our students several necessary soft and hard skills for their future. This is the best way […]

Happy International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day We can share the human spirit through friendship just as it is written on the UNICEF website: “Our world faces many challenges, crises and forces of division — such as poverty, violence, and human rights abuses — among many others — that undermine peace, security, development and social harmony among the world’s […]

Activities of the social service unit on 2020

Sending 3500 raw food packages to reduce economic poverty of families (rice, meat, etc.) Providing rental house for 10 families 120 cases of investigation committee and elimination of high-risk injuries Attract 120 children at risk of social harm and enroll in school 500 visits to children’s homes

International Day of Education

The International Day of Education in 2023 is under the theme: “to invest in people,  prioritize education”. UNESCO is dedicating this year’s International Day to girls and women in Afghanistan who have been deprived of their right to education. Considering the importance of education and the recent modifications in the metamodern, all educational centers must […]

The World Day Against Poverty

On the occasion of the World Day Against Poverty in the 25th of Mehr simultaneously October 17 we would like to thank the research and development department and other executive departments of the School’s Pergar Plan for the scientific and practical struggle against poverty and to provide a brief report in this regard to our […]


About the history of our school: We started Sobhe Rouyesh in 2014 in the center of social harm in Tehran. The building was given by an MOU (memorandum of understanding) between the municipality and our founders. the building of School was totally wrecked at the time and it was renovated in 2014. Meanwhile our psychologists […]

Report on the activities of the psychology unit

120 cases of urgent intervention and treatment for emergencies (drug use and suicide) Holding classes for cognitive, emotional and emotional development Report on the activities of the psychology unit of SobheRouyesh Mental health screening 630 students Counseling sessions for 673 students