
Activities of the social service unit on 2020

Sending 3500 raw food packages to reduce economic poverty of families (rice, meat, etc.) Providing rental house for 10 families 120 cases of investigation committee and elimination of high-risk injuries Attract 120 children at risk of social harm and enroll in school 500 visits to children’s homes

Report on the activities of the psychology unit

120 cases of urgent intervention and treatment for emergencies (drug use and suicide) Holding classes for cognitive, emotional and emotional development Report on the activities of the psychology unit of SobheRouyesh Mental health screening 630 students Counseling sessions for 673 students

Statistical report of part of the activities of healthcare of SobheRouyesh

Statistical report of part of the activities of healthcare of SobheRouyesh 2020 Referral of 250 students and their families to health centers 193 cases of preparation of medicine and health facilities 19 cases of sonography, radiology, physiotherapy 5 cases of insulin preparation in diabetic patients Provide 8 glasses for students 3 cases of outpatient surgery […]